Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy

The last of the Kennedy brothers and truly an end to an american political dynasty has died. With his demise the greatest voice for the working class and healthcare reform has been silenced but his death might be a rallying cry to reintroduce a spinal cord to he democratic party. It is a shame that after all his time in the senate he couldn't achieve healthcare reform.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

China The Oppressor

Further resistance to Chinese occupation of Tibet has lead to the latest arrest of 8 monks. The leader of Tibet the Dali Lama is in exile in India and the chines government has not released any information of the Pachan lama who after many years is still in jail.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Party Of No Spine

In light of the former Governor of Alaska Shara Palin's fictitious comments about end of life care consultation statements, which are also in Medicare, being death panels the spineless democratic party has dropped the clause in the senate bill.

The right wing in their endless cycle of confusion has labeled Obama as a Nazi. Nazism is a form of fascism which the right has conveniently forgotten that fascism is on the right wing of the political spectrum.

The End in Sight

The federal Reserve has issued a statement that the recession may be ending. With the stock markets on the rise as well as profits people are begining to feel optopmistic again.

However let us not forget that these profits are being derived from job cuts and employes benifits and they in the end are the cogs and engine of our ecconomy.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

The senate has approved their version of a bill to continue the popular Clash For Clunker Program. In the bill 2 billion additional dollars are earmarked to the bill, there is another provision in th bill to continue the program until Labor Day.

Republican senators maintain that the program is a waste of money despite the profits of troubled dealerships nationwide struggling to make payroll. Profits which if not made would have resulted in and increase in joblessness and de-house many families.


The much loathed corporation that has become infamous today is making a comeback. The insurer on Friday reported a l.8 billion dollar profit which for shareholders now means their stake in AIG is now worth $2.30 each.

The last time the insurance company generated profit was in the third quarter of 2007.

AIG now currently owes the American taxpayer 82.2 billion dollars during the entire length of the crisis their total response was to only sell 25 of their assets for a grand total of 7.3 billion dollars. The drowning Goliath also failed to pay their dividend payment on the 40 billion dollars they received in TARP money.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Swine Flu

The pharmacudical company Novartis is in the experimentation stage of it's new Swine Flu vaccine.

The Swiss company has already preformed clinical trials on 6,000 people in Great Brittan and the United States. The current tage they are in now recquires tsting them in chicken eggs and a new cell based technology this will reveal wether or not two c=vaccines or one is recquired for immunity.

Ever since June when the World Health Orginization declared Swine Flu to be a pandemic pharmacuticle companies have beeen racing to discover a vaccine CSL bing an Australian Company was the firt company to begin Clinical trials in humans.


Fmr. President Clinton has secured the release of the two journalist Luna and Laura Lee and they are back home with their families.

It appears republicans and in particular frm. ambassador to the UN John Bolton were concerned particularly in the manner of release saying that doing so would set dangerous precedences and might be a future teemplate for governments such as Iran.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nukes for the North?

Today in the capitol of North Korea, Pyonyang, fmr. President William Clinton was apperantly seeking the release of the two american journalist. The journalist's in question were arrsted and detained by the North Korean authoraties for the alleged illegal entry of the boarder, they were tried by the Peoples Court and sentenced to a labor camp.

Kim Jong-il according to experts will profit greatly just from the frm. president's precessence and has already used the oputunity to say to his people that he caries a message from President Obama. The Robert Gibbs has given statements to the Press Core repatedly deniying such allegations by the North Korean government.

However if North Korea is holding them as many believe they are as bargianing chips than Obama might have to get involved and talks of the North's nuclear program are in many lights unavoidable.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Iranian Oposition

A sad day for the opposition is at hand today the Supreme Leader of Iran has officially endorsed Ahmadinejad as the 39th president of Iran.

On a lighter note the new President has had his request for Vice President denied and it appears as a result his power which has survived intact no appears to be on the wane and opposition members can only hope to see the bgining of the end for their hated president.


"For as long as it takes"

NATO's new Secutary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen vows to stay in Afganastan "for as long as it takes". He makes plane the struggle must continue untill human rights are establishd in the reigion in partucular that of womans rights, "Anyone who believes in basic human rights, including women's rights, should support this mission," with 75 Nato forces killed in July and at least nine over the weekend August looks to be a grim month for Nato Forces in the making.


12 Die in Taliban Attack On Afgan Police

In the Injil district Of the Herat province of Afganistan a roadside bomb detonated. In the attack 12 people were killed. Two of the men killed were body guards of the police cheif of the district, he himself was actually severly wounded in the blast among 32 hours while 29 others were hurt but not in serious ned of medical attention.

CNN Source